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Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Harriet Eddy believes in a strong parent and school involvement. The Harriet Eddy Parent Teacher Organization is a great way to support our school. Families can be involved in a variety of ways.

If you would like more information about our PTO, please send an email to:

  • Join the HEMS PTO: membership fee is only $15 per family. 

    Payment options:
    • Pay with cash or check:
      • send with your child to turn in to any of their teachers
      • drop in white PTO mailbox (located just inside the office, on the wall to the right of the door)
      Please include your name with your payment.
    • Make sure to complete Membership form

Your PTO membership gives you the opportunity to vote during our monthly meetings, which are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Links for the zoom meetings are sent out only to paid members. 
Thank you for your support,