Girls' Volleyball
- Tryout Dates: Aug 26, 27, 29
- Please attend all three days of tryouts.
- in the main gym.
- You MUST have a completed Athletic Clearance Packet on file in order to tryout.
- 7th/8th graders - you must maintain a 2.0 GPA or better in order to be eligible to tryout.
- Change right after school and meet in the gym hallway.
- Bring water and a great attitude!
- Please attend all three days of tryouts.
- in the main gym.
- You MUST have a completed Athletic Clearance Packet on file in order to tryout.
- 7th/8th graders - you must maintain a 2.0 GPA or better in order to be eligible to tryout.
- Change right after school and meet in the gym hallway.
- Bring water and a great attitude!
- 7th: 4:00-5:40pm
- 8th: 5:30-7pm
Coach: Lauren Wheeler
See Programs---> Athletics---> "HEMS Clearance Packet" tab for more information about getting cleared for volleyball.